Playing Catch-up with Tracey


Hi friends! Let’s catch up!

Since you give me the privilege of being a part of your mornings, I wanted to share with you the latest in my world.

Homelife - I have had so many of you still asking about my dog and I realized that many of you haven’t heard yet. I had to give Benny my Labradoodle back to his breeder because we just couldn’t get along. It was a very painful decision but I know it was the right one. I blogged about it awhile ago, so if you want to read all about the process you can find it right here on our blog.

Health- I am very excited about our fitness challenge for this year! Mike and I are putting our goals out there so we can encourage one another and for all of you to join us! I am going for 39 in ’09, and Mike is going for 59 in ’09. Our fitness coach, Jimmy Page, is working with us again this year to help us reach us our goals, and you know, it’s about so much more than the weight. God really does want us to be healthy! I am learning about my own sin of impatience and my problem with delayed gratification.

I have been working very hard at the gym at least 6 days a week for almost 2 months now and wondering why the pounds aren’t just falling off. The truth is, to do this the right way, is going to take some time. It will require consistency and making the right choices every single day. It will require accountability and absolute commitment. Change is possible but won’t happen by wishing for it. I must be willing to do the work. And guess what? I am willing. How about you? Do you want 2009 to be your year of transformation? Let us know if you’re on the journey with us and how you’re doing. You can comment right here on our blog, drop us a line at or you can find us individually on Facebook. And tune in Fridays at 8:25AM to catch our weekly weigh-ins and great fitness advice from our coach, Jimmy Page.

Heart- As I approach my 45th birthday in April, I have been thinking a lot about being single and honestly taking it before the Lord every day. I am a happy, full-filled single person- most of the time. But it’s hard every now and then. For me, this has been one of those times. What do you do when your life looks different than you thought it would and you have desires and plans that haven’t worked out?

I must tell you, that the Lord has been so tender with my heart and the more I know of Him, the more I am convinced that He really loves me like no other. And if that is true, which it is, then I can trust Him with the plan for my life- whatever it is. He has something for me that is right for me, and will bring Him glory. I believe this.

And I pray that if you’re struggling with unmet desires, that you will remember to take it to the Lord and believe in His love for you. He withholds no good thing from those whose walk is blameless. Could it be that what you do have right now, is a good thing? Are there opportunities all around you, to love people and grow relationships and be an instrument of God’s love every day? I had to look at my life and say.. well… yes. I haven’t been excluded from participating in loving others. In fact, maybe right now, I’m more freed up to express His love in a way that I couldn’t if I weren’t single. I’m just sayin’…

Thanks for listening and I hope one day to meet all of you in person and tell you what a joy it is to be a part of your mornings!

In His Love,


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