365 days of New


I chose a one word theme for my life this new year- instead of making resolutions. One word- that I prayed about and believe God gave to me. One word that could be a way for me to focus, get back on track if I lose my way, and look for God to teach me about.

My word is... NEW.

2Cor. 5:17 says, "Therefore if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old is gone, the new has come." Problem is I don't feel so new.

And of course there's this one: Isaiah 43:18-19 "Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?" No- I don't always perceive it. But I want to.

And how about Lamentations 3:22-23 "...His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Why do I live in old shame instead of embracing God's new compassions?


The word isn't impressive, scholarly word, or even the slightest bit unusual or groundbreaking, but what God is speaking to me about that word is transforming- to me. I have been weighed down the last few months with some old stuff. New hurts have triggered old ones to come to the surface. I have believed things about myself that aren't true of me and I have doubted others love for me because they weren't giving me what I expected. I have been disappointed.

You know how it is when you first meet someone? There is an eagerness to know each other, a genuine interest, a grace to believe the best because you don't have any history to hold over their heads. Even if someone is a scoundrel to everyone who knows them; with every new person they meet, there is a grace to now be better... a fresh start to be the person you want to be - in this relationship. A newness.

After awhile we stop learning about each other and put people in boxes, refusing to see that they are deeper still than what we know and there is more beauty to be revealed. We fall out of love. We fall out of interest. We think it's their fault. But perhaps, we have stopped allowing them to be -new. Familiarity breeds contempt so they say. I think it's true and I have felt the sting of being on the receiving end of people no longer caring to know more of who I am. Disenchanted, bored, and shutting me down so I don't even believe there's more of me worth sharing.

I have also been on the giving end of that kind of treatment. It grieves me and I want to love better than that.

There's so much more to this that God is showing me, but for now, I just want to share with you that "New" is my word. I will strive to believe that God is telling the truth about me, and making me new every day. And I will allow others to be new too. I won't hold history over their heads. I will get to know them again. I want to be the kind of friend that breathes life into people and helps them re-create. And I want to challenge myself to dig deeper and find new things inside of me that God put there for a reason.

One practical way of embracing my word is this. Starting January 1st, I have begun a personal quest: 365 days of NEW.

Every day this year, I will do something I haven't done before. It could be as little as, trying a new food, or taking a new route... Or it could be as adventurous as, well... I'm not telling just yet. But I will keep you posted.

Yesterday, I wasn't working at church like I usually am, and yet I stayed through two services back to back because my pastor asked me to. That was new.

Today, January 2nd, I bought my first set of art supplies. I'm 47 and I'm sure I haven't painted since elementary school. Perhaps it's just my version of a mid-life crisis, but I'm going to paint something, by golly. Just like this new year of my life- a blank canvas is waiting, full of possibilities.


Comments :

6 comments to “365 days of New”
Lisa McLaughlin said...

Tracey ~ You are so very refreshing!
Love you, my friend!

Renee' B. said...

I think "NEW" is a very powerful word, Tracey! I look forward to seeing where your "365 days of NEW" takes you. I'm sure you will inspire all of us along the way as you always do! God bless you in this year of "NEWNESS"!

Mike said...

Thanks. Cuts right to the heart of how I have been feeling. Thanks for sharing. My prayer about relating to people will be the same.

S/F Mike

Bill Spencer said...

The biblical morning starts at sunset. You get to go to bed with his mercy renewed when you lay your head down, now when you rise. Much better sleep that way. It also means that the day that you need to contend with seams to be much shorter. The word new is "chadash" in the Hebrew and means "new, new thing, fresh" Like his manna you need to gather fresh mercy each day. That means relationship with him. Thanks for sharing your heart. New is very cool.

Chuck said...

I am doing the same thing. My word and direction for this year is "Still"


Anonymous said...

Today I went to the funeral of a wonderful man, just 55 years old. He lived his faith vibrantly. He volunteered whenever and wherever. And then God gave him a vision - a group of Catholic men who by some were on the fringes -- and some by their own admission felt that they weren't "good enough" to be involved - joined together in Prayer, Service and Fellowship in a group called the NorthEast Cathoic Brotherhood. And for the past 5 years or so - these men have changed the lives of each other, their community and their church(es). The first reading at the funeral Mass today was from Lamenations and it ws the very verse you quoted above. Paul now has a NEW body, not tied down with cancer, or weight or other earthly bonds.
NEW --- it is an amazing word!

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Thanks, Tracey, Mike and Dave