Family Safe Movie Review


FamilySafe Movie
The previews look funny, your kids say, 'Take me to see it!', you read the local reviews and they give it 5 stars, so you plunk down the big bucks only to find out 15 minutes into the movie it's not something you want your kids to see. You need a movie review from someone who is committed to keeping your family safe. Bob Waliszewski, director of Focus on the Family's Plugged In department (which features, now joins us every Friday morning at 7:55AM. Bob's got the lowdown on the movies releasing each week. He'll let us know the good and the bad so you'll be equipped to make the right decision.

Bob reviews Fighting (PG-13), The Soloist (PG-13), and Earth (G). Click here to listen. Click here to read the extended written reviews at

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