Welcome to the NEW 95.1 SHINE-FM!


We can't tell you how happy we are to introduce Baltimore's NEW radio station!

We hope you will enjoy our changes including more music during your workday and the addition of some new SHINE-FM staff.

We will now be starting your morning at 5:25AM getting you to work and school. Chris Scotland will be making your day at the office or running errands better as he plays your favorite Positive Hits from 10AM - 3PM. Jack & Erin take over to drive you home from 3PM - 7PM. Tony Penny will start your evening off the right way with a mix of music and ministry from 7PM - 12MID.

Remember, we always want to hear from you! So, be sure to jot down our new contact info:

Our studio line is: 1-866-304-9727
Road Scholars: 410-247-4107

Ok, that's it for now! By the way, we would love it if you would tell your friends about your NEW way to SHINE!


Comments :

7 comments to “Welcome to the NEW 95.1 SHINE-FM!”
Lisa said...

TM&D - I love how you "shine" His love in the Baltimore region. And thanks for giving all of us plenty of chances to "beam" in with our thoughts and stories by phone, email and fb. Looking forward to seeing how His "light" comes through with your new format. Shine on!!!!

Gemma said...

Caught your signal in Hagerstown, MD this AM. What a blessing! Thank you for all you do and God bless!

Anonymous said...

Tracey, Mike and Dave, I just love you guys. I love your jokes. Love your music and I love to worship every morning going and coming from work with you all. You are the best of the best and I know the Lords Light will always "Shine" all around you and where ever you go. God Bless and Merry Merry Christmas.
Maria Beltran, Columbia, MD

Anonymous said...

I LOVE listening to you guys on my way to work. The music is great, the talk is good and I love hearing Tracey laugh. I look forward to listening to my morning friends as I drive into work every day. Thanks, Tracey, Mike and Dave for putting a smile on my face every morning! ;) God Bless.

Anonymous said...

I live in Vienna Virginia and love to hear your show and the positive music 95.1 plays - it can really put my mind and soul at rest.


Jeanne Roushey said...

Keep the signal coming to Dover Del area. Love your station.

Brenda said...

oh my to see who I listen to all these years is wonderful! this morning Tracy asked "what was a moment you've had had if stopped by a police? I may not have the statement just right , but remember 1 time my hubby's car broke down an hr away from home it was about 3:00 am, got stopped & the police said"Brenda" you were speeding & I explained why, he was kind & said take it easy. We didn't have a cell phone then. & Hubby told me where to pick him up, but when I got my self together I wasn't sure to go right or left, any went to right place picked up Hubby & don't you know we got stopped again, told the story & we were trying to get home cause we were tired, she 2 was kind! I've not seen the old site , but this Great just seeing the 3 of U God Bless U all Brenda Chase.

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Thanks, Tracey, Mike and Dave