What if God texted the 10 Commanments?


Here is one you can pass along to your kids...maybe so they can help you translate it!

What if God had text messaged the 10 Commandments? It might look like this:

  1. no1 b4 me. srsly.
  2. dnt wrshp pix/idols
  3. no omg’s
  4. no wrk on w/end (sat 4 now; sun l8r)
  5. pos ok - ur m&d r cool
  6. dnt kill ppl
  7. :-X only w/ m8
  8. dnt steal
  9. dnt lie re: bf
  10. dnt ogle ur bf’s m8. or ox. or dnkey. myob.

M, pls rite on tabs & giv 2 ppl.

ttyl, JHWH.

ps. wwjd?

This post comes from a wonderful blog: Church Crunch

Comments :

2 comments to “What if God texted the 10 Commanments?”
donsands said...

I wonder how many Christians can recite the Ten Commandments?
I was talking with a man in church, and he said he was a Christian. I asked him when he was born again. He said, "What do you mean born again?"
I said, "When did you become a Christian?"
He said, "Well, my Mom took me to church, and i learned about God from her all my life. I did get involved in a rock and roll band for years though."
I asked him, "Did you do the whole nine yards? Drugs, sex, and rock & roll?"
He said, "Oh, yeah."
I asked him if he thought he was a christian during that time, and he said yes.

Well, we talked for 10 more minutes, and i told him to read John 3 about being born again.

he walked away. But he then turned and looked at me and said very firmly, "You should not judge me."

Wow. I said, "I'm wasn't judging you. i was talking about being born again, and about what our Lord Jesus said."

I haven't seem him since.

I believe the Church is full of unconverted supposedly converts. And that's scary. I pray the gospel will once again be preached in the pulpits with fervor and love.

Thomas Dayton said...

Though that may be what it looks like in some "cyber short hand from a power of the air to a phone" in reality there is a direct "Word" from the finger of God to stone (that stone still exists, and I beleive and it is known where at this time) and yet the importance of it is so sadly missed!
By the way it is YHWH, Jehovah is a made up word.

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