A Boo-Boo


Hi friends,

God is always teaching us. I just wish I was always listening.

I was in the café at my gym when something happened that I’m sure happened a lot but it invoked a reaction in me I never expected. A mother was sitting a table relaxing after her workout and her little girl was with her. An adorable little girl who looked to be maybe 18 months old. She was playing on a chair, even though her mom said, don’t play on the chair.. when all of a sudden she lost balance and fell on the hard ceramic floor. Her head bounced on the floor- I saw it. And you have never seen someone move as fast as this mom did. With lightning fast agility, she swooped in, moved that chair out of the way and scooped her little girl up in her arms. Inspecting her forehead, which instantly had a knot on it, and caressing her and soothing her. I’m sitting right there watching this and just burst into tears. Trying to hold it back, but I couldn’t help it.  Hearing the little girl’s sobs made my heart just ache.

How many times has that been me? Playing on the chair when I was told not to. And how many times have I cried and cried because I hurt myself. When we fall, how much faster is He to rush in and scoop us up… How even more tender and concerned is He when His children hurt themselves. Even when we hurt because we of our own disobedience. Don’t play on the chair.. Don’t play on the chair.. And we can’t resist. We do what we want and we get hurt. And still God rushes to our aid. Loving us, comforting us. That is who He is. And to believe that a loving Father, who loves us perfectly, would do less than that...is to believe a lie about who God is.

When we fall, when we’re hurting, He is near. But here’s the thing. We must allow Him care for us. Just as the little girl didn’t resist the arms of her mom, but literally fell into them. It’s been about 25 minutes and the little girl has recovered and seems ok now. She does have a bump on her head but is laughing again and barely seems to remember what just happened. What an encouragement to remember, that even the worst hurts, will eventually feel better.

~ Tracey

Comments :

2 comments to “A Boo-Boo”
Thomas Dayton said...

I do like this and thought to add how Fatherly God allows us to play on the chairs, comforts our falls, allowing us to climb the chair again, and the gracious thing in that is, He allows us to climb again, giving us a free will, knowing as we "mature" we can grow to learn the danger of chairs, and be able to enjoy sitting in them safely, or we can be "grown-up babies" that He now needs to take away all chairs from, and have us sit on the floor!

donsands said...

There are consequences for sinful behavior for sure. We shall reap what we sow. But sin, of course, is different then God's allow us to go through trials, and difficulties. Sin will not be encouraged by God, though His forgiveness of the sin is absolutely complete in Christ's death on the Cross. Hallelujah!

Yes, our Father does discipline us, and He does this because He loves us (Hebrews 12). If you are sinning, and not feeling any consequences, then you are an illegitimate child, and not a true heir. And so take this to heart, and come to Christ if this is you.

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Thanks, Tracey, Mike and Dave