We want to hear from YOU!


It may be hard to believe but WRBS turns 45 this year!

We take for granted that 95.1FM, 1230AM and WRBS.com will be there every day providing the music, teaching and information that helps to encourage and uplift us. However, 45 years ago it took a huge step of faith for Peter & John Bisset to begin a full-time radio station. In all these years it has only been through the support of the community (and God's blessings) that WRBS has been able to continue it mission to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

As we approach our anniversary, we would like to hear from you! Whether you have been listening for all 45 years or just 45 days.

Would you take just a few moments this week and tell us what WRBS has meant to you?

You can comment here on the blog or email us at tmd@wrbs.com*

Thank you in advance! And if we haven't said it enough...Thanks for listening!

*We may use your email or comment on the air or in future publications but will never use your full name or any identifying information.

Comments :

3 comments to “We want to hear from YOU!”
Anonymous said...

Dave and Mike, as a parent, this may be a challenge for you to read and you need to get the tissue box for Tracy…..

I discovered your station in 1999 and in October, and we will be celebrating 10 years together!
That summer I became part of what I call the ‘Job Alumni Club’ and the Lord reshaped my life via a house fire. I got my older son out, but could not get to the crib of the 2 year old. I am a walking, talking miracle because the injuries I received in trying to climb through the flames are VERY hard to find. Moreover, when all the outer recovery was done, the inner recovery was started by this radio station.
I was raising my sons with a lot of music. Motown, Hendrix, EWF, Manilow, Elton John, Streisand, and the Gershwin’s. Sing-a-longs in the car were the best time of the day. However, after the fire, two part harmony was very painful and there didn’t seem to be any station that did not give us pain. That is until we found you.
They silence is golden, but it also a heavy metal. The weight of what we survived, our brokenness, and knowing what my son needed, but feeling helpless to give it made each car trip a gauntlet. Because your music reminded me who was in control, and what I was carrying as my failure, was another side of grace, I learned to sing and laugh and cry again while driving the old highways and by ways minus a car seat. I started to sing with your station and learn again the value of being part of the body of Christ. By spring there was humming from the backseat, then laughter when I got it wrong, and then corrections to keep me straight. By the time his new brother came along, your music was part of his growing to feel and love freely as he did before. The little guy, who has only known you guys, teachers the rest of the daycare all hears from you. You three are part of the “village” of our lives. And we thank you.

Avery, Kelsey, and John-Luke ‘s mom.
[Ps. the was a Hindu parent at John-Luke ‘s last daycare who thought the school was teaching Christianity to her son and calmed down when they explained he was learning things by singing with my son].

Mat 28: 18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Anonymous said...

I am asked to say what WRBS means to me.
As of April WRBS is asking that listeners partner with them in their ministry to the "world" (world I believe indeed, because

in my life time it has become a smaller one then even Walt Disney imagined)
So this is what WRBS means to me.

I became a christian in 1982 through a TV ministry. (The 700 club, and Ben Kinclow was the servant that God used to bring the

gospel message to me) Being alone when I was saved, in my parents TV room, I did not really know what to do next. After

rising from my salvation prayer of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, I picked up the family Bible and began to read starting at

Genises Chapter 1. It was 3 am, so I quickly had a hard time understanding what I read. (all those begots) So next day I

tuned to 700 club and was told that the gospel according to John was a good place to start for new believer, so I read.
I began to think there must be christian radio! I am sure I had turned THAT off before!
So I looked and found WBRS. At the time John MacAuthor was airing, I think at 9 pm, and I cut my baby christian teeth on his

teaching ministry of the word. As that took place I understood it was important to let some one know of my faith, so I would

go to bus stops and tell of Jesus, not really armed well, but I did have a captive audiance, them having to wait for the bus.
Also I went to a man, who was telling me of Jesus in my disobediance to the faith, thinking I would love to share with him

that the Lord saved me, EVEN ME!
We meet and talked and he invited me to attend his church. That being too far for me to travel by foot, he told me of one

church closer. That is the church I attent to this day, and that is my Pastor, knowing him simply as Pastor. (this christian

friend was in attendence when I was baptised)
Saying all that it was through the ministry of WRBS and the Bible teachers, that guided this new believer to the places God

wanted him to go. Now as of 1993 God has called me to a music ministry and WRBS has inspired, and directed, through good and

bad, thick and thin, in fellowship and out, to do what the Lord has me to do!
WRBS to me is more then an insirational radio program, but inspiration itself. I believe that God has, is, and will speak to

hearts through them. To His Glory and His alone.
On top of just the radio program of WRBS there is a upteen number of ministries that they are directly or indirectly involved

in. I know I have not exhasted all there is that WRBS offers to the christian community. It is my pray that as April comes

closer and a better understanding comes of how I can partener with WRBS, that God will provide those things I can offer to

them to partener in their ministry.
The Lord Jesus Christ be with WRBS and their spirit. Grace be with you. Amen

Anonymous said...

please correct the page....it says "TRACEY THINKS YOU'LL THESE COMPANIES" shouldn't it say TRACEY THINKS YOU'LL like THESE COMPANIES

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Thanks, Tracey, Mike and Dave