Praise & Prayer Day!


As we prepare to see what God will do during our first Sharathon this week - Today is Praise & Prayer Day!

We would like to share your joys and concerns. Please call in with your praises and prayers from 6-10AM @ 888-972-7951 or email

While we hear from you, we also ask that you pray for this ministry as we begin Sharathon tomorrow!

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4 comments to “Praise & Prayer Day!”
Anonymous said...

Good Morning,

Please, Please pray for my daughter who is in a rebellious state and not saved. Pray for me (Debbie) that I might not grow weary in spite of my trials and that I might continue to be a blessings to others for the glory of God. Pray that my husband might desire to please God and not people. Pray for marriages and family around the nation. Pray for our President and his family. Last but not least we pray for you all who is doing a mighty work for God.
Blessings to you,

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, thank you thank you THANK YOU for doing a prayer day on WRBS! I listen to you every morning on my way to work and I am always hearing new and humbling things that add to my faith. It's nice to be able to sound back and even join in prayer. It helps us remember we're not alone. I thank you guys so much for doing this! May everything from this event glorify God!

Anonymous said...

Friends at WRBS: Please pray for me, as I am physically afflicted with a condition for which there is no known cure. This disease has made things difficult for my marriage, as it does affect my spouse. I have laid awake at night begging God to heal me, but I have not heard an answer. Please pray that whatever the outcome, that his will be done, but I do want to be healed. Thanks,
---Mrs. Jen

Anonymous said...

You all are such a blessing! Please pray for my family. My husband passed away over 14 years ago & since then I've faced many challenges, specifically with my children (ages 5 & 12 at the time of his passing) My son (now almost 27) has major legal problems & facing several years in jail. My daughter (now 20) is rebellious. Most of all, I want to be sure of their salvation, but also that my son does NOT go to jail for several years & that we will all be PRAISING GOD & LIVING FOR HIM VERY, VERY SOON! Thank you so very much! Kathleen

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