A Special Offer from Family Life


Family Life is giving away a limited number of free registrations to married couples who have lost a job in the past 6 months. If you would like to find out more about this offer, please call 1-800-FL-TODAY.

Upcoming WTR Conferences include:
Feb 13-15 Crystal Gateway Marriott - Arlington, VA
Feb 20-22 Lansdowne Resort - Northern, VA
Feb 27-March 1 Hyatt Regency - Baltimore, MD
March 13-15 - Hyatt Regency - Reston, VA
March 20-22 Marriott Hunt Valley Inn - Hunt Valley, MD

Click on the banner in our Events section for more details!

Comments :

Anonymous said...

Great Day You guys & Gal!

My husband and I were married in September of 2008, he lost his job in November 2009. We wanted to go to weekend to remember again, did not know how we were going to do it, we prayed about it, I listened to the radio heard the song and could not call, but thanks to God and you all posting the event on your blog..WE ARE REGESTERED!!!!! Conformation # and ALL.
LOOK AT GOD!!!!!!!
Shindana Thompson (Baltimore Maryland)

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Thanks, Tracey, Mike and Dave