Welcome to our new blog design!


What do ya' think?

The new year seemed the perfect time to launch a re-design of the Mornings with TMD blog. We would love to hear from you about what you think or if you have any suggestions.

A quick tour:

* Say "Hi!" to Aunt Gert at the top of the page. Our favorite "Hon" keeps watch over our blog and from time to time will give advice or tips.

* Right under Aunt Gert you will find easy ways to Listen Live to WRBS, visit our video site, go to the photo album or visit the station website.

* On the right side of the blog you will find our new Twitter feed. Click on any of the feeds to go to our twitter page and follow us.

* Links You Should Check Out are other blogs and websites we think you'll like.

* The WRBS Events section provide a quick link to many of our concerts and events.

* If you have a gmail, google or blogger account (all free) you can follow our blog and interact with other followers.

* You can see the latest photos & videos from the WRBS albums.

* The Blog Archive allows you to look back into past for older posts.

* Never want to miss any of the info we post? or comments people make? You can use our easy subscription links.

* We have quick links to many of our sponsor's web pages at the bottom of each page.

Ok, I think that's it! We hope you like it and hope you will let us know what you think.

Finally - A HUGE Thank You to Erin Branham - resident design expert, amazing photog and all around great lady!


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Thanks, Tracey, Mike and Dave