Tracey vs. The Scale


Hi friends!

I have been working very hard with renewed focus on my goal to get fit this year. I have been hitting the gym most every day and really pushing myself. I even added kettlebells to my workout regime when I'm home. I'm eating well and doing all I know to do. And so far, the good news is that I feel really great. However, the scale isn't doing anything- except occasionally going up a pound or 2, then going back to where it was. To say I have been a bit discouraged is an understatement. I think maybe us single gals take that kind of thing even harder, because we don't have someone affirming us in this area.

So what's a girl to do?

As I have battled the scale these last few weeks, I realized the bigger battle is the one going on in my mind. What kind of inner monologue do you have going on? Are you saying things to yourself that you would never say to someone else? Why are we so hard on ourselves?

It says in Phil. 4:8, that whatever is right, true, noble, lovely, excellent, and praiseworthy.. these are the things we should be thinking about. So today I filled my mind with the truth. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am so blessed to be healthy. The King is enthralled with my beauty. I am feeling great. So what if the scale isn't moving yet? So what if I'm not that size 8 I want to be. There are other things that are more important in God's eyes. And if I'm growing in my love for Him and becoming more like Him, then I'm moving the scale that counts.
And here's the thing. If you're doing the right thing, eventually it will pay off. Sometimes I think that my pursuit of being fit is more of the point than actually getting to some number on a scale. Oh yeah. Learning to be consistent and disciplined and to push myself beyond what I think I can do, can and will reap wonderful benefits in my life.

So the battle goes on and I will keep going and doing what's right. And l will love myself now at size 12 as much as I think I will love myself at size 8- maybe even more. Because after all, there's more of me to love. :)


Comments :

4 comments to “Tracey vs. The Scale”
Benjamin C. McKeown said...

Pounds lost can be a deceiving measure of how successful you are at getting fit. Most people will drop weight, however as muscle is more dense than fat you may be replacing fat weight with muscle weight. If you can find a scale (Tanita makes good ones) that measure your body fat % that may be a truer representation of how you're doing. Also measuring inches lost around your waist, hips, etc. would also give you a more accurate picture than simply your total weight.

Tracey, Mike, and Dave said...

Thanks Benjamin for that information. I am learning so much. I need to stop getting on that scale every day, and just limit it to once a week. I think just pressing in and doing the right things will surely bring results. Im already feeling so good! I'll keep you posted.

Anonymous said...

Wow Tracy, we are all in this thing together aren't we? Stay focus, I also step on that dreaded scale every morning, not sure why, but it does seem to keep me in check. I just want to get healthy in "09". So hang in there SISTER!! God Bless

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Tracey! No one said Rome was built in a day, so a little bit of patience should cure your temporary discouragement. We're so programmed to expect a result whenever we do an action that we want to see some sort of change whenever we step on the scale. On the contrary, weight loss is sometimes not as clear-cut. Look at the overall picture!

And since Mike got a Hawaiian shirt from Waveshoppe, I thought I'd give you a similar incentive by giving you a Tahitian pearl bracelet when you're near your size goal. Would that keep you motivated? I hope so! :)

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